MEMber-Led discussion groups

  • Alchemical Studies

    In this Zoom group we read through and discuss sections of Jung’s Collected Works, Volume 13: Alchemical Studies. New members welcome!

    The next gathering of the Alchemical Studies discussion group will meet over Zoom on September 9th at 7 pm, and will focus on Vol 13 Alchemical Studies Chapter 3 - Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon. Email to obtain the invite link.

  • Concerning the Spiritual in Art

    This Jungian psychology-oriented group will examine the changes in the cultural environment at the turn of the 20th century due to the growth of psychological, spiritual and scientific ideas. My interest led me to study the Beginnings of Abstraction in Art at (Ottawa University) and to visit the exhibition ‘Concerning the Spiritual in Art: Abstract Art from 1879 to 1989’. The comprehensive exhibition catalogue will be available for inspiration: it is full of stimulating articles and images. Influences such as Theosophy, the idea of the fourth dimension (Time) and the psychology of Freud and Jung, especially Jung, will be discussed. Jung’s ‘The Red Books’ with his paintings will also be available. We all like to exchange ideas in conversation, and no one is an expert, at least not yet! You are welcome to join.

    Meetings will take place at 10:30 am on September 22, October 13, November 17, and December 8, at the home of Christine Ross in Oak Bay. If you would like to join, please send an email to christine_ros25@yahoo.comto reserve your spot.

  • The Poetry Of Mary Oliver

    “Whenever we are in nature, we are cleansed. People seeking to overcome civilization's madness turn to nature to recover by walking in the woods or bathing in the ocean. They let go of their concerns and give themselves to nature. It can be done both from within and without. Walking in the woods, lying on the grass, and bathing in the ocean are accomplished physically by entering the unconscious and exploring yourself through dreams, you touch nature from the inside, and this is the same thing: things are put right again.”

    - Carl Jung, from Dream Analysis: Notes on a Lecture, given in 1928-1930

    This poetry reading group comprises like-minded people with a shared passion for poetry, Carl Jung and Mary Oliver. It is open to all who are interested in the themes of nature, the human connection with the natural world, curiosity, and the human experience. These sessions are held on the third Tuesday afternoon of each month, at the home of Michele Turner at D-349 Foul Bay Rd. To register for the group, please contact Michele at

  • Open Libraries

    We’re opening our doors four times per year, so you can have a chance to come and see our library in person and connect with other members and Jung-enthusiasts. If you’d like to borrow a book, you can purchase a membership with cash or e-transfer. Upcoming dates are:

    September 7th, 1-4 pm

    December 7th, 1-4 pm

    February 8th 2025, 1-4 pm

    April 5th 2025, 1-4 pm

  • The Red Book


    Paul Ferguson is hosting a series of events that will feature selected readings from Jung’s The Red Book. If you want to learn more about the group and of future opportunities to join it, please contact Paul directly at 250-475-1246.

  • Tarot Club


    Join Geneva Johnson in a member-led study group of the Tarot. The group will meet on the third Wednesday evening of each month. Discussion will draw on Jungian themes, mythology and imagery. Private location in Victoria TBA to participants. Please contact Geneva at if interested.