Founded in 1985, the C.G. Jung Society of Victoria is a non-profit charitable society registered under the Society Act of British Columbia. The Society provides an informal and welcoming forum for the presentation and exploration of Analytical Psychology as it originated with Jung and was developed further by those who are trained in its methods. We are always open to connecting with professionals working in the depth psychology space to come and share their knowledge in the form of lectures and workshops, though most recently we have begun prioritizing member-led study groups, as a grassroots way to keep Jung’s ideas alive within our direct community of Victoria, BC.


Our society is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community centered around the exploration and dissemination of Carl Jung's profound insights into the human psyche. Through engaging discussion groups and informal meet-ups, we aim to deepen our understanding of Jungian concepts such as the collective unconscious, alchemy, and individuation. By providing a supportive platform for members to share experiences, interpret dreams, and analyze symbols, we encourage personal growth and inner exploration. Our goal is to cultivate a space where individuals can integrate Jung's wisdom into their lives, fostering a richer understanding of themselves and the world around them.

If you believe in the work we are doing, please consider becoming a member, as this is the best way to support the society. We also welcome donations in the form of books and funds, and are always looking for keen folks who’d like to volunteer with us.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”

- C.G. Jung

2024 Board

Want to get involved?

Our society is exclusively volunteer-run, and we welcome any forms of participation and contribution that call to you!