upcoming events

Synchronicity and beyond

MARCH 21st 2025, 7:00 - 9:00 pm ZOOM Lecture

The concept of synchronicity originated through the collaboration of C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, and in the seven decades since its appearance, its implications have been explored through the various lenses of philosophy, quantum physics, biology, complex systems theory and the archetypal background of numbers.  These developments will be  briefly reviewed, with an interest taken in both the ideas themselves and the individuals who have brought them forward.  The presentation will conclude with a close look at some recent developments that have implications for Marie-Louise von Franz's work on number archetypes.

This event takes place over Zoom, the link for which will be sent out via our mailing list, so be sure to subscribe. Recordings will be sent out to members post-presentation, so if you want a copy for your archives, be sure to purchase a membership before the event.

This event is by donation, with all proceeds going directly to the society fund, with many thanks and gratitude. Etransfer to jungsocietyvictoria@gmail.com.

Embodied dream workshop

hosted by Amanda Lovejoy StreeT

Spring 2025 (DATE TBA)

This 2.5 hour Zoom workshop is designed to introduce the practice of embodied dream work. “Working with the breath, voice and embodied imagination, we descend into contact with the creative source. There we explore dreams, archetypes, symbols, unknown aspects of self and habitual belief systems to find new ways of entering creative projects. We work with gesture, sound, creative dialogue and other tools to reveal and integrate unclaimed material that wants to come through.”

Facilitator Bio: Amanda Lovejoy Street is a creative facilitator working internationally with artists, actors, writers, directors, musicians and anyone who seeks to deepen a relationship between their creativity and their unconscious. She has been working with her dreams since she was a teenager. She was first introduced to the relationship between creativity and dreams in 2004 through her extensive studies with Sandra Seacat which led her to Kim Gillingham in 2009. She began an in-depth apprenticeship with Kim in 2013 becoming a founding member of Creative Dream Work, both developing and influencing the practices with Kim. She facilitated with Creative Dream Work from 2017-2023 before starting her own international practice. Most recently, Amanda taught in Sydney, Australia at 16th St., Schott Studios in Berlin, at the Victoria CG Jung Institute, and became a consultant for the non-profit The First Ten. She was an advisor for the 2021 and 2022 New Zealand filmmaker's lab, Story Camp, and holds a certificate in Contemplative Care with the NY Zen Center. She is currently contemplating her death daily with Spirit Rock's - A Year To Live.

It is Amanda’s continued exploration of her interior life coupled with years of esoteric inquiries, vipassana/insight meditation (since 2008), Dream Work and investigating the connections between dramaturgy, art and the psyche that have led her to her intuitive way of facilitating and creating.

Learn more about Amanda on her website: https://www.feelingtone.com

The Large Family, Rene Magritte, 1963

next workshop: Spring 2025 tba, over zoom

ticket FEE: $50.00

Please note, a minimum of 10 participants is required to offer this workshop. Refunds will be issued in the event of cancellation.

TO register, email member-at-large christine willes at cgwilles@gmail.com

"Thanks for the great embodied dream workshop! I found Amanda to be very knowledgeable about workshop technique, involving participants deeply in the workshop setting. Her work is clearly situated in deep knowledge of dreams and dreamers!” -P.

library socials

Once a month we open our cozy little library to the public and our members, to peruse books together and spend quality social time. Members are allowed to borrow books, and one is welcome to become a member on the spot if you see a book you fancy reading! Upcoming dates are as follows, to be held at the Centennial United Church (enter through the side doors on David St.):

Saturday March 8th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Saturday April 6th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm

If you can’t make it to these events, but would still like to borrow a book, email us at jungsocietyvictoria@gmail.com.

MEMber-Led discussion groups

These groups are informally facilitated by passionate society members who have a keen interest in the topics below. If you see a group you’d like to join, send an email to the contact person listed to inquire about space. If you have an idea for a discussion group you’d like to lead, our only prerequisite is that you are an active member. Get in touch with us and share your ideas via email at jungsocietyvictoria@gmail.com.

thE poetry of mary oliver

Our next Mary Oliver poetry reading is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18th.  

The days are lengthening as we swim alongside Mary Oliver and dare to celebrate the early arrival of spring. While reading poetry is a pleasure, the process of writing can lead one to the depths of despair. In this group, we read, listen, reflect, and converse while savouring tea and snacks. While several members are devoted poets, others are content to explore Jung’s realm of the unconscious through the enchantment of words. If you're interested in our meetings, please get in touch with us at mturnerca@hotmail.com.

Our monthly poem for discussion is Mary Oliver’s “Morning Poem”:

Every morning
the world
is created.
Under the orange

sticks of the sun
the heaped
ashes of the night
turn into leaves again

and fasten themselves to the high branches–
and the ponds appear
like black cloth
on which are painted islands

of summer lilies.
If it is your nature
to be happy
you will swim away along the soft trails

for hours, your imagination
alighting everywhere.

These sessions are held on the third Tuesday afternoon of each month at the home of Michele Turner at D-349 Foul Bay Rd. To register for the group, please get in touch with Michele at mturnerca@hotmail.com.

Read some of the poetry written by group members HERE.

Concerning creativity

“The Archetypal Imagination is the means by which we encounter the divine and how it may be reborn in us”. - James Hollis, ‘The Archetypical Imagination’

A discussion group which hopes to encourage the inner necessity to reveal and share our creative selves in our attempt to form a meaningful relationship with life. 

We will gather inspiration by sharing the visionary work of William Blake and the spiritually inspired work of Hilma af Klint in the first two sessions. Both artists had deep inner resources but always with a view to show their vision to the larger world. Books on the two artists will be available.

Spring Dates: 23 March, 27 April, 18 May. Meetings run from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, at either an Oak Bay or James Bay home. Email Christine to register.

Christine Ross: christine_ros25@yahoo.com

The Simoniac Pope, William Blake, 1824

“Our capacity for symbol making differentiates us and makes our spirituality possible”. - C. G. Jung

Ego and archetype

This group provides a space to discuss Edinger's distillation of Jung's work on the Self, and the building of one's Ego Self-Axis. We will read through and discuss sections of Edinger’s “Ego and Archetype”, chapter by chapter. Here is the link to a digital Jungian library, that includes a pdf of this book:


Meetings take place over Google Meet, on the second Monday evening of each month. Email Thomas at thomas.goenczi@gmail.com to obtain the invite link.


Hint of a quantum universe at play?

Have you ever experienced something you would call a synchronicity? Do you have stories you’d like to share? What type of universe would need to exist that allows for the experiences we call synchronicity? How would you explain it?

Let’s start a conversation, tell our stories, explore books, literature; consider our thoughts, and those of others through time about the phenomena of synchronicity.

To join or inquire, email Patricia Lyster at 2plyster@gmail.com.

Spring Dates: Last Wednesday of each month (first date April 30)
Time: Happy Hours 3:30 -5:30pm
Locations: a central Victoria cafe, pub, or lounge chosen by the group

First meeting is April 30th at Bodega in Trounce Alley.

Let’s set off together on a journey of exploration and into mystery.