“who looks outside, dreams;

 who looks inside, awakes.”   

                                   -Carl Jung

Carl Jung, a pioneering Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is renowned for his profound contributions to the field of psychology. He developed influential theories on the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the process of individuation, which have had a lasting impact on both academic psychology and broader cultural discourse. Jung's exploration of dreams, symbols, and the deeper layers of the human psyche continues to inspire scholars and practitioners alike, shaping modern understandings of the unconscious mind and personal development.


Founded in 1985, the C.G. Jung Society of Victoria is a non-profit charitable society that aims to provide an informal and welcoming forum for the presentation and exploration of Analytical Psychology as it originated with Jung and was developed further by those who are trained in its methods.

We do this by bringing our community together in the following ways:

  • Workshops & Seminars

    We have the privilege of hosting esteemed and emerging voices within the Jungian community to come forward and share their knowledge and research with members in the form of online talks, workshops, and in-person seminars.

  • Discussion Groups

    We are passionate about engaging with the ideas put forth by Carl Jung, and are always open to new ways of exploring these realms together. From alchemy, to tarot, to the Red Book, if you have a specific interest in Jung’s canon, let’s talk about it!

  • The Library

    Perhaps the most cherished aspect of our humble community, and the biggest perk of becoming a member—our library boasts over one thousand titles related to topics of depth psychology and adjacent areas of study, including multiple copies of the fully illustrated Red Book.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

- C.G Jung


As a non-profit society, we rely solely on the passion of volunteers and members to keep this venture going. By becoming a member, you get to connect with a community of like-minded individuals committed to exploring the mysteries of the human psyche and walking the path of personal development, together.

The Swan No. 1, Hilma af Klint, 1914


Perks of membership include:

  • Book borrowing privileges from our impressive library of over one thousand notable titles, including the complete Collected Works, as well as multiple copies of the fully illustrated Red Book

  • The opportunity to host discussion groups, and converse with others about Jungian ideas that are most meaningful to you

  • Invitation to member-led events such as workshops, gatherings, and study sessions